Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Federal Jury Finds Parker Man Guilty of Aggravated Assault for Causing Girlfriends Facial Fractures.
This is an article by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It entails a crime of assault where the victim is seriously injured. The crime involves a man instilling pain on his then lover or girlfriend whom they were living together with.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Federal Jury Finds Parker Man Guilty of Aggravated Assault for Causing Girlfriends Facial Fractures. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The crime was committed after they had both consumed alcohol and the man got angry with his girlfriend. Instead of trying to control his anger in an appropriate manner for instance through solving the particular problem issue, he decided to hit the girlfriend very hard and she fell on the floor where she hurt her head too much causing some bleeding. To worsen the situation, the culprit, Evanston, left the victim only to come back after some hours. This is negligence and lack of sense for life. It is after he came back that he called the police stating that he got the girlfriend in that condition and did not know of what had happened. The Federal Bureau of investigation in conjunction with the Colorado River Indian Tribes Police Department investigated the case and according to law, the offender was to be charged a fine of $250,000 or a maximum of 10 years imprisonment or both (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2010). The victim sustained stern injuries and had to go through some operation and rehabilitation processes to get back to a normal state. Looking at this case critically, it is evident that the offender committed an extremely serious offence which could have even led to the death of the victim if action was not taken immediately. The crime was committed due to anger as well as influence of alcohol. This crime follows under the kinds of people theories. This is because it involves aspects such as what makes an individual to engage in criminal activities for instance why E vanston decided to injure his girlfriend. The theories also entail the motives, situational aspects as well as subjective feelings that could be involved in a particular case. The crime could have been prevented by both the offender as well as the victim. Were they on a sober mode, free from alcoholism, they would have reasoned straight and solved their difference rather than reacting in such an awkward manner. The victim could also have run for safety rather than letting the boyfriend hit him. Although the culprit could have been considered to be under the influence of alcohol, it is not a justification to assault his girlfriend and cause that much pain.Advertising Looking for critical writing on criminology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for First Degree Murder: Mexican Government Extradites Defendant Found Guilty of 2003 Murder on Tohono Oââ¬â¢Odham Nation This article is also authored b y the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Murder is a critical crime that involves taking a way another personââ¬â¢s life. The article revolves around a case of murder and the aspects that surrounded the incident. The offender is named Victor Manuel Reza-Ramos, a 50 years old Mexican man. Reza-Ramos committed the crime on the 25th day of March 2003. He brutally beat Jose L. Flores to death. In beating Flores, Reza-Ramos is deemed to have used a metal fireplace shovel and a six-pound rock. This clearly shows his intention, that of killing the victim. Just like in the above case, The Federal Bureau of investigation in conjunction with the Colorado River Indian Tribes Police Department did the investigations of Reza-Ramos case and the culprit was convicted of first degree murder on 14th June 2010 by the federal jury. In this case, criminal justice response seems to be appropriate. This is because when Reza-Ramos was identified as a suspect in the murder of Flores, there were stra tegies put in place to make sure that he was brought into light and justice done. For instance, the Mexican government liaised with the United States law enforcement body. From this article, it is evident that the crime was committed because the offender wanted to steal a vehicle, a 1999 Chevrolet pick-up truck from the Kisto ranch in which the victim worked as a caretaker and ranch hand. This shows that the defendant opted to commit two crimes at once, that of killing the victim to put off evidence and that of stealing the vehicle. This is an extremely serious offence that calls for strict actions to be taken against the offender (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2011). The incident appears difficult to prevent due to the fact that the defendant seem to be very determined to carry out the criminal activity. The victim seems to have no control and since there were no eye witnesses to the crime, it could be difficult for the law enforcement bodies to act immediately and prevent the d eath of the poor caretaker.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Federal Jury Finds Parker Man Guilty of Aggravated Assault for Causing Girlfriends Facial Fractures. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This crime could be attributed to the routine activity theory which portrays a crime in terms of crime opportunities that are presented by different day to day situations. The offender took the advantage of the situation where there was a suitable target and lack of eye witness. The defendant was also very motivated. Reference List Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2010). Federal Jury Finds Parker Man Guilty of Aggravated Assault for Causing Girlfriends Facial Fractures. District of Arizona (602) 514-7500 Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2011).Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for First Degree Murder: Mexican Government Extradites Defendant Found Guilty of 2003 Murder on Tohono Oââ¬â¢Odham Nation. District of Arizona (602) 514-7500 This critical writing on Federal Jury Finds Parker Man Guilty of Aggravated Assault for Causing Girlfriends Facial Fractures. was written and submitted by user Gavyn Juarez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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